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发布:南京环球雅思英语学校  点击数:  发布时间:2011-5-12 11:30:38

摘要: 作为实用类英语教材的经典,出身英伦三岛、血统纯正的新概念教材已经在神州大地风靡了三十几年。三十年间,她见证了祖国改革开放的伟大历程,也成就了我们几代英语学习者的人生梦想。有些人胸怀学术理想而孜孜苦读,最终成为了硕士、博士;有些人则向往于彼岸


笔者从事语言教学实践已经10多个春秋了,细数曾经讲授过的教材和课程已经有几十种之多了---其中当然包括新概念教材。从一个专业的教材编纂者和一线教学实践者的视角来看,其系统性、缜密性、实用性确实在当今的实用英语教材中位居前茅,罕有同类的教材能出其右。在国内语言培训业界,新概念英语被公认为是所有语言专修课程的“全能先修课程“---可以帮助你事半功倍地准备各种语言考试; 轻松地掌握包括学术英语、商务英语在内的各种特殊用途的英语(english for specific purposes)。

    为了验证新概念英语内容的实用性和重要性,笔者在此通过自己的一篇雅思作文习作来进行一个具体的分析。顺带说明, 此文章考官martin renner 评价为 :“it’s very well written with next-to-no errors. ”

    research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.
which do you consider to be the major influence?

(1)admittedly, the inborn characteristics we have impose influence on our personality and development to some extent. from my point of view, however, the experiences we go through in life, education and work outweigh the characteristics in terms of shaping our personality. (2)to make my claim more convincing, i list three arguments as follows.

as a proverb says “life is the best teacher”, we constantly draw on our life experience to improve ourselves. for example, hardships and setbacks make us more psychologically strong; (3)getting along with people teaches us how to be socially appealing and getting married and bringing up our offspring awards us a sense of responsibility. almost every element in, or facet of, life contributes to the formation of our personality.

in addition to life, education--from pre-school to tertiary education--also plays a vital role in the development of personality (4) as it helps build up one’s career path and life trajectory. during the process of learning, one can broaden his or her horizon through grasping knowledge and or skills in various disciplines, and consequently develop his or her traits and attributes, such as creativity, critical thinking and troubleshooting capacity. these are all essential constituents of one’s personality and are fairly difficult to acquire from inborn characteristics.

equally important as life and education is working experience. as a continuation of educational experience, it further helps refine one’s personality in a very comprehensive way. (5)in a work context, when you handle paper work, you learn to be patient and meticulous; when you meet customers, you learn to be flexible and understanding; and when you encounter pressure, you learn to be calm and prompt.

in accordance with the perspectives explored here in above, (6) we may safely draw the conclusion that experiences create a more significant influence on our personality and development in comparison with inborn characteristics.

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